Thursday, December 30, 2010
Austin again - the feminist - 12/30
I can't resist sharing a little of Austin Clarke. As I read, I find myself noting pages that would make for great discussions. First, I've noticed that his use of creole and colloquial language is extraordinary in the way he crafts the language. His genius is in knowing just when to break the "standard" English with words and phrases in creole; he knows just when to place certain sayings that are very national and cultural in the midst of the story to capture your attention with a eh eh or en heh or nah or a stewups.
Of course, it's important to note that I've lived away from the language for almost 30 years; I do interact with many Guyanese and others from the region, but many of them live outside of Guyana. Austin used the words "You think I is a fecking cunu-munu?" The words immediately engaged more than a memory in me. I remember using those words; I was once a part of those words and I wondered how they slipped away. Austin touched a piece of my identity that was behind some cobwebs. It made me wonder about the identity I occupy now or the many or the fractured; I call it nomadic.
I must also say that I was surprised when I realized that Austin's novel communicates what I consider to be a very progressive understanding of women; this is revealed in the main character of the novel, Mary. Yes, Mary, and I do believe that she is a challenge to the Virgin Mary. Austin weaves his knowledge of religion, the colonial education, the day to day experience of various characters, and his knowledge of the black experience together in this novel. The book is most definitely a comment of society through the eyes of a woman.
Here are a few examples of his work:
"They walk on, with no word from her. He watches her body as it moves before him, like someone who is blind and still walking with certainty. He cannot claim that he has contributed to her certainty of gait that is so self-assured; it has nothing to do with him, it was not his body that induced this glow in her posture. It is all hers. The gait of a woman who knows what she wants. And how to get it. He cannot be arrogant and boast, as a man might boast, that he has anything to do with her independence. Her independence seems bigger than when he arrived; and stronger, too."
"Columbus went East. Or is it West? He certainly end-up West, down here with us in the Wessindies, completely lost in the Carbean Sea, without knowing his arse from his you-know-what. And yet, Columbus get all this credit for discovering all o' we, including Amurca; but according to Wilberforce, Amurca was already discovered for donkey years, by people who Columbus called Red Indians; but peopled by those people, nevertheless. What discovering did Coumbus discover, when he didn't even know his armpit from his arse! - pardon my French, Sarge! ..... And discovered people that were already discovered, and that had discovered themselves, in one way or the other."
Of course, it's important to note that I've lived away from the language for almost 30 years; I do interact with many Guyanese and others from the region, but many of them live outside of Guyana. Austin used the words "You think I is a fecking cunu-munu?" The words immediately engaged more than a memory in me. I remember using those words; I was once a part of those words and I wondered how they slipped away. Austin touched a piece of my identity that was behind some cobwebs. It made me wonder about the identity I occupy now or the many or the fractured; I call it nomadic.
I must also say that I was surprised when I realized that Austin's novel communicates what I consider to be a very progressive understanding of women; this is revealed in the main character of the novel, Mary. Yes, Mary, and I do believe that she is a challenge to the Virgin Mary. Austin weaves his knowledge of religion, the colonial education, the day to day experience of various characters, and his knowledge of the black experience together in this novel. The book is most definitely a comment of society through the eyes of a woman.
Here are a few examples of his work:
"They walk on, with no word from her. He watches her body as it moves before him, like someone who is blind and still walking with certainty. He cannot claim that he has contributed to her certainty of gait that is so self-assured; it has nothing to do with him, it was not his body that induced this glow in her posture. It is all hers. The gait of a woman who knows what she wants. And how to get it. He cannot be arrogant and boast, as a man might boast, that he has anything to do with her independence. Her independence seems bigger than when he arrived; and stronger, too."
"Columbus went East. Or is it West? He certainly end-up West, down here with us in the Wessindies, completely lost in the Carbean Sea, without knowing his arse from his you-know-what. And yet, Columbus get all this credit for discovering all o' we, including Amurca; but according to Wilberforce, Amurca was already discovered for donkey years, by people who Columbus called Red Indians; but peopled by those people, nevertheless. What discovering did Coumbus discover, when he didn't even know his armpit from his arse! - pardon my French, Sarge! ..... And discovered people that were already discovered, and that had discovered themselves, in one way or the other."
a stalled white world - ah behin' - 12/30
The photos of the funny looking phone on the post in the Manhattan subway is (the phone)an example of the art that can be found in various subway stations these days. And, it is to symbolize the bloody phone call that came to tell me that the flight cancel.

Okay this is about the 27th and the 28th. The snow create havoc in Brooklyn and Manhattan and it give me a big headache. I was all ready for the trip to Canada. I had my whole body ready for Tim Horten's and a slower pace and the snow come and change all my plans. If you check out the photos you can see that the New Yorkers were not ready. Brooklyn was snowed in and some crazy people still tried to drive so you can imagine the confusion. Cars were stalled in the middle of the street in all kind of angles. The underground subway trains could only stop at certain stops and the overhead trains were just impossible. The airport was in major confusion and MY FLIGHT get cancelled. Okay, so one time was okay and I went out in the street for some fun - slipping and sliding in the piles of snow, checking out the cute young guy at the bodega. I was high still because I knew I was going to be on the plane the next morning. I wake up the next morning in good spirits and ready for a trip into the city for coffee, a read, and a walk. And, just before I head out the door --- brrriiiinnnng - the telephone ring and THE FLIGHT CANCEL AGAIN. Okay, I almost cry. This is two days out of my precious seven days. I was not happy, but I bite my lip and head out the door holding on to the optimist in me.
Long story short, Rosie change the flight. On the 29th I had to take the train to Penn Station and take the Amtrak to Newark Airport to catch a flight to Toronto and take the ferry to the shuttle and meet Jennifer at Union Station. If you see people at Penn Station. And, again a lot a people at Newark, but the flight was short, and the snack was free and the gingerale come in a glass. And, then Jennifer and I get to sit in Tim Horten's for about 45 minutes waiting for the train and having an honest to goodness gaff and laugh and it remind me how good it is to sit with someone that you know for years.
Now, I'm in Canada and guess what? The absentminded professor that I swear I am not, thought she was leaving NY for Guyana at 12:05 a.m. on the 4th when it is really 12:05 a.m. on the 3rd and her flight from Buffalo to NY is at 4 p.m. on the 2nd. So, it mean we driving from Toronto to Buffalo on January 2nd for one hour and a half and then I arrive at 4 p.m. in NY to get back to the apartment to pick up my bags and back to the airport for the Caribbean flight. whew!!
Okay this is about the 27th and the 28th. The snow create havoc in Brooklyn and Manhattan and it give me a big headache. I was all ready for the trip to Canada. I had my whole body ready for Tim Horten's and a slower pace and the snow come and change all my plans. If you check out the photos you can see that the New Yorkers were not ready. Brooklyn was snowed in and some crazy people still tried to drive so you can imagine the confusion. Cars were stalled in the middle of the street in all kind of angles. The underground subway trains could only stop at certain stops and the overhead trains were just impossible. The airport was in major confusion and MY FLIGHT get cancelled. Okay, so one time was okay and I went out in the street for some fun - slipping and sliding in the piles of snow, checking out the cute young guy at the bodega. I was high still because I knew I was going to be on the plane the next morning. I wake up the next morning in good spirits and ready for a trip into the city for coffee, a read, and a walk. And, just before I head out the door --- brrriiiinnnng - the telephone ring and THE FLIGHT CANCEL AGAIN. Okay, I almost cry. This is two days out of my precious seven days. I was not happy, but I bite my lip and head out the door holding on to the optimist in me.
Long story short, Rosie change the flight. On the 29th I had to take the train to Penn Station and take the Amtrak to Newark Airport to catch a flight to Toronto and take the ferry to the shuttle and meet Jennifer at Union Station. If you see people at Penn Station. And, again a lot a people at Newark, but the flight was short, and the snack was free and the gingerale come in a glass. And, then Jennifer and I get to sit in Tim Horten's for about 45 minutes waiting for the train and having an honest to goodness gaff and laugh and it remind me how good it is to sit with someone that you know for years.
Now, I'm in Canada and guess what? The absentminded professor that I swear I am not, thought she was leaving NY for Guyana at 12:05 a.m. on the 4th when it is really 12:05 a.m. on the 3rd and her flight from Buffalo to NY is at 4 p.m. on the 2nd. So, it mean we driving from Toronto to Buffalo on January 2nd for one hour and a half and then I arrive at 4 p.m. in NY to get back to the apartment to pick up my bags and back to the airport for the Caribbean flight. whew!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
frustrated in NY - 12/28
I love my brothers/two husbands and they've been good to me, but I hate having my flights canceled more than once. I am looking forward to Canada and I'm being patient. Snow snow all over deh place.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The day before the blizzard -12/26
Yesterday was filled with laughter, music, and good food.
Today I went out and it was snowing. I walked in Manhattan and visited Macy's on 34th Street. On the way back to 14th Street I experienced a real winter's evening. The snow covered the ground and kept coming down in a slant and with a steady purpose.
I had the camera, but again my fingers were not ready to peep out and encounter the cold. My eyes took the drink without any need to claim an identity.
Tomorrow my flight leaves at 5 p.m. but the flight is still scheduled to leave. If all goes well I'll be in Buffalo by 6:30 p.m. and in Toronto by 8:30 p.m.
Friday, December 24, 2010
My Friday call - no damn connection 12/24
Look you know I didn't forget! I tried and tried - no bloody connection. Do you still have the Guyanese inside? If so - it's black cake, garlic pork, pepper pot, egg nog, rum punch, curry and roti ..... Middle age change all that for me - no spice, no oil, no milk.... damn - I have to start answering to "old girl." Thanks for all the support this year and the beautiful gift of friendship. What would I do without you... I'm having fun with the blog and it was all your idea ::))
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! and lots of love. I'll be in Canada from the 27th to the 2nd and then to Guyana on the 3rd.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! and lots of love. I'll be in Canada from the 27th to the 2nd and then to Guyana on the 3rd.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Pink on deh subway - 12/23
Laud - how ah gon' tell dis story and meh yuh see it. Ah mean you had to see it. The L train pull into deh station an' ay get on. Ah head to deh pole in front ta meh and hol' on. Meh back was hurtin' a lill' but ah didn't feel like squeezin' between people so ah hol' on. Two well dressed women was leanin' on deh door and gaffin' - both ah dem constantly fingerin' deh hair away from deh face - one had deh hair deh other had deh wig. In meh min' ah wonderin' why deh hell dis young girl got on a wig.
Well duh train stop at deh next station and Rupaul get on! Ah mean PINK wig; long long long black eye lashes yuh could almos' hear dem click, blue blue eye glass - ah mean eye contacts, nails so long deh curlin' an' curlin' - pink winta jacket wid white fur around deh colla,' cream pants an' sneakers wid lill' pink in deh soles.
Dozz of you who kno' Rupaul understan' why ah sey Rupaul; Ay love she. Dozz of you who don' kno' Rupaul gotta look fuh dat name on deh internet.
Wuh ah gon tell yuh gon' meh yuh laugh hard.
Yuh remember dem two women ah mention earlier... well deh one wid deh brown wig start to look at deh woman hard hard hard - yuh kno' - wid a serious cut eye. Like deh American sayin' ay was lookin' at Pink and ah was tinkin' "work it girl." So, I wan' to kno' why brown wig lookin' at deh woman up an' down, up an' down as if pink wig step pun sche corn, as if pink wig had no business freely flouncin' scheself in public.
Now you gotta to understan' dat ay lovin' deh woman in pink cause I love Rupaul; yuh gotta to kno' Rupaul man. And, deh ting is, as ah look closer, sche nah a Rupaul at all - sche is woman and sche good good lookin.' An' when ay see dis ay wan' fuh kno' more more why sche dress suh.
Now, yuh gotta understan' dat people starin.' Deh not starin' in sche face, is like lah lah lah as all eyes swivel from place to place waitin' fuh Pink to look away an' den deh eyes make a beeline an' stare stare stare. Yuh could almost hear deh tougts batterin' deh scull wonderin' wuh Pink does do wid sche time.
Brown wig tek it lill' furda; sche lookin' like sche wan' to slice up Pink and thro' sche away; is like to sche Pink wig do sche a personal harm. Sche was lookin' so hard at Pink is like sche wan' Pink fuh kno' dat sche pink wig inappropriate. An' ay laughin' inside because ay starin' at sche an' tinkin' - well at least Pink kno' sche wig is a wig - afta lookin' at brown wig finger tuckin' and turnin' deh hair pun sche wig ah start to believe sche forget is wig an'in sche head it turn real.
Ay turn back to Pink and ay wonderin' too - wuh sche does do? Ay want bad bad to ask Pink for a photo an an' interview. But ay was too frighten Pink might blast meh behind in public an' tell meh mine meh business - you kno' dat would shame me bad. Ay sneakin' a glance at Pink whenever ay can too. In meh mine ay want to kno' what would mek Pink dress like dat - stripper? Ay could see dat sche body in shape so ah tinkin' sche might have all dem piercins' in deh navel an' ting. Maybe sche does do dat pole dance dat is part ta nuff ah we fantasy.
In any case, deh conductor sey "next stop Dekalb Avenue;" deh train slow down an' ah hopin' Pink might get off an' ay might get deh nerve to talk to sche, but deh train stop an' deh doors slide open an' ay walk off and no Pink. So, again, it was a nodda story gettaway.
Well duh train stop at deh next station and Rupaul get on! Ah mean PINK wig; long long long black eye lashes yuh could almos' hear dem click, blue blue eye glass - ah mean eye contacts, nails so long deh curlin' an' curlin' - pink winta jacket wid white fur around deh colla,' cream pants an' sneakers wid lill' pink in deh soles.
Dozz of you who kno' Rupaul understan' why ah sey Rupaul; Ay love she. Dozz of you who don' kno' Rupaul gotta look fuh dat name on deh internet.
Wuh ah gon tell yuh gon' meh yuh laugh hard.
Yuh remember dem two women ah mention earlier... well deh one wid deh brown wig start to look at deh woman hard hard hard - yuh kno' - wid a serious cut eye. Like deh American sayin' ay was lookin' at Pink and ah was tinkin' "work it girl." So, I wan' to kno' why brown wig lookin' at deh woman up an' down, up an' down as if pink wig step pun sche corn, as if pink wig had no business freely flouncin' scheself in public.
Now you gotta to understan' dat ay lovin' deh woman in pink cause I love Rupaul; yuh gotta to kno' Rupaul man. And, deh ting is, as ah look closer, sche nah a Rupaul at all - sche is woman and sche good good lookin.' An' when ay see dis ay wan' fuh kno' more more why sche dress suh.
Now, yuh gotta understan' dat people starin.' Deh not starin' in sche face, is like lah lah lah as all eyes swivel from place to place waitin' fuh Pink to look away an' den deh eyes make a beeline an' stare stare stare. Yuh could almost hear deh tougts batterin' deh scull wonderin' wuh Pink does do wid sche time.
Brown wig tek it lill' furda; sche lookin' like sche wan' to slice up Pink and thro' sche away; is like to sche Pink wig do sche a personal harm. Sche was lookin' so hard at Pink is like sche wan' Pink fuh kno' dat sche pink wig inappropriate. An' ay laughin' inside because ay starin' at sche an' tinkin' - well at least Pink kno' sche wig is a wig - afta lookin' at brown wig finger tuckin' and turnin' deh hair pun sche wig ah start to believe sche forget is wig an'in sche head it turn real.
Ay turn back to Pink and ay wonderin' too - wuh sche does do? Ay want bad bad to ask Pink for a photo an an' interview. But ay was too frighten Pink might blast meh behind in public an' tell meh mine meh business - you kno' dat would shame me bad. Ay sneakin' a glance at Pink whenever ay can too. In meh mine ay want to kno' what would mek Pink dress like dat - stripper? Ay could see dat sche body in shape so ah tinkin' sche might have all dem piercins' in deh navel an' ting. Maybe sche does do dat pole dance dat is part ta nuff ah we fantasy.
In any case, deh conductor sey "next stop Dekalb Avenue;" deh train slow down an' ah hopin' Pink might get off an' ay might get deh nerve to talk to sche, but deh train stop an' deh doors slide open an' ay walk off and no Pink. So, again, it was a nodda story gettaway.
nuff nuff ting today - no bridge douh - 12/23
As ah get outside dis mornin' ah kno' deh bridge wasn' happenin.' I felt dat breeze an' ah kno' dat deh bridge widout bildins to block deh cold would kill me dead dead dead. So ah decide to visit meh cousin, Brian. Ah mus' brag 'bout Brian because he wuk on deh production of Lizz Wright's new CD - deh Bacchus name at deh back ah dat CD - cute apartment off of 1st Ave. on St. Marks in Manhattan. After dat ay decide to mek meh way up to Macy's on 34th Street an' do it on PF2. If you see people! Like ants man! Ah hit Macy's an' it's 8 floors uh people. Ah tried but after a littl' while ah feel like fainting. Dis does always happen to me in big crowds with no air. Ah fin' a dress and buy um quick an' ay ain even kno' if ah like it.
But duh trip was worth if fuh deh story ah see on deh train.
But duh trip was worth if fuh deh story ah see on deh train.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Photo - 12/22
Today's photo was taken yesterday. I found Pele in photos on a wall painted black in Greenwich area. I like black and white and this caught my eye.
Short and sweet - The Minute - 12/22
I just used the eyes today and kept the hands with the mittens - yes I found mittens - not cute - brown with flaps to uncover the fingers - kept them on the hands and in the pockets. I walked across to the Hudson from 5th Avenue and those blocks are long. I crossed and walked along the river to Chamber Street and Borough of Manhattan Community College. Yes, diversity matters and yes, it makes a difference. It was all over BMCC. I saw old friends from 1978 and we went back to my arrival in the US. Damn, I was 18 when I went to BMCC. I walked back to 14th Street and felt much better.
Having the hands in the pocket and the eyes on things made me reflect on Manhattan's culture. Are these people really so rude or have they just lost the minute? You know that minute that it takes to recognize someone else's humanity! It's funny how easily we change for the worse; we seem to adopt the ugly without much question. You ever pay close attention to how your mood and attitude changes when you get behind the wheel of a car? It just takes a minute. I had a minute tonight.
Walking down 14th street with the crowd; everyone was moving like a bullet, but these days a lot of the bullets have their heads down, something plugged into their ears, and fingers rolling over a 2 inch by 2 inch glass piece. If you have your head up you waiting for the crash because you swear accidents about to happen. But no, the animal in us still got a lot of instincts - navigation by any means is necessary and the ability still lingers.
A bullet almost side-swipe me. What's funny is that I didn't even realize that I was a walking bullet too. Cold fire my ass and it was still moving fast. Head up, I was walking fast to make it to a warmer place and as I was walking an oldish man was coming and it look like he had the same purpose, warmth. We were walking on the same slice of concrete but going in opposite directions; I move to my left and he move to his right; I decide to move more left at the same time he decide to move more right - you ever had one of those where you aiming to get out of the way, but that is in your head - the body on the other hand heading for a full on collision. My eyes saw it coming and my mouth - the one that gets born in the car, in rush hour, when another car cut you off, when you see someone with a phone glued to the ear, or when someone doing 50 on the highway - that mouth was getting ready to fire off a word or two; it clashed with a deeper need for simple calm and peace and that slow it down. Was the overwhelming human rush we were all caught in getting to me? I let the eyes move to the face.
Just then the minute happen. The face came into view; it was a little old, male, soft white skin with a few laugh wrinkles around the eyes, friendly lips; I glimpsed a little tremble; expectation of vocal blast, a stew teeth, a bark.. that was a few seconds...... 30 seconds there was eye contact, a hesitant smile... no words but I suspected a silent whisper to match the look in the eyes that said.. hey I didn't mean to block you; I'm rushing home to warmth too.... Instantly the vulnerability of my mother's soft skinned cheek came to mind and again I was human, his daughter, the someone at the kitchen table chatting over warm food. In just a minute.
Having the hands in the pocket and the eyes on things made me reflect on Manhattan's culture. Are these people really so rude or have they just lost the minute? You know that minute that it takes to recognize someone else's humanity! It's funny how easily we change for the worse; we seem to adopt the ugly without much question. You ever pay close attention to how your mood and attitude changes when you get behind the wheel of a car? It just takes a minute. I had a minute tonight.
Walking down 14th street with the crowd; everyone was moving like a bullet, but these days a lot of the bullets have their heads down, something plugged into their ears, and fingers rolling over a 2 inch by 2 inch glass piece. If you have your head up you waiting for the crash because you swear accidents about to happen. But no, the animal in us still got a lot of instincts - navigation by any means is necessary and the ability still lingers.
A bullet almost side-swipe me. What's funny is that I didn't even realize that I was a walking bullet too. Cold fire my ass and it was still moving fast. Head up, I was walking fast to make it to a warmer place and as I was walking an oldish man was coming and it look like he had the same purpose, warmth. We were walking on the same slice of concrete but going in opposite directions; I move to my left and he move to his right; I decide to move more left at the same time he decide to move more right - you ever had one of those where you aiming to get out of the way, but that is in your head - the body on the other hand heading for a full on collision. My eyes saw it coming and my mouth - the one that gets born in the car, in rush hour, when another car cut you off, when you see someone with a phone glued to the ear, or when someone doing 50 on the highway - that mouth was getting ready to fire off a word or two; it clashed with a deeper need for simple calm and peace and that slow it down. Was the overwhelming human rush we were all caught in getting to me? I let the eyes move to the face.
Just then the minute happen. The face came into view; it was a little old, male, soft white skin with a few laugh wrinkles around the eyes, friendly lips; I glimpsed a little tremble; expectation of vocal blast, a stew teeth, a bark.. that was a few seconds...... 30 seconds there was eye contact, a hesitant smile... no words but I suspected a silent whisper to match the look in the eyes that said.. hey I didn't mean to block you; I'm rushing home to warmth too.... Instantly the vulnerability of my mother's soft skinned cheek came to mind and again I was human, his daughter, the someone at the kitchen table chatting over warm food. In just a minute.
off to walk - 12/22
I'm off to walk from 14th to Chamber Street along the Hudson. I hear it's a nice walk and it's long. It's just what I need to keep in shape while on vacation. I'll be back with some photos if I survive the cold.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Rockefeller Center - the sparkle - 12/21
We talked nuff and ended up near Rockefeller Center at 6 p.m. The lights always catch my eyes and I remember going down to Bookers at Christmas to look at toys and lights.
Highline Park in the cold - frozen - 12/21
So, today I met Audrey and we were lazy about getting started. We had an early lunch and then walked over to Highline Park. It has an interesting history. It was an old train line and dangerous so the community decided to turn it into a walking park and do the upkeep. The walk seemed like a good idea but the cold wind made strolling impossible. We rushed over to a heated Whole Foods fast.

Beautiful contrasts lined the view from the Highline path. But, the freezing breeze drove us underground.
Beautiful contrasts lined the view from the Highline path. But, the freezing breeze drove us underground.
Girls Girls Girls and Alfredo - 12/21-22
Scandalous young women. What kind of advice is that for two old old women. Two wonderful young women invited us to help them drink some wicked looking liquor, something with yellow, lill' green and a spot of red - something called Venetian Breeze I think it was. Old me could only have tea. Old She get all cross eyed with nuff rum and coke. When I first met Alfredo, I wondered about the lack of candy, but then our conversation was off the chart and the evening was fun fun fun.
Monday, December 20, 2010
One of those B'klyn days - Gym? Nah! 12/20
Deh damn Guyanese passport can't be renewed.... nah .... it old old and a gotta get a new one - 2 damn months deh sey and you know ay don' have no 2 months so it look as if ah gon' have to go down deh and try a ting. But so it guh. Deh day wasn't so bad but it col' col' col. Yes, ay eventually found deh mittens - laud but deh ugly eh and ah still gotta put meh hands in meh pockets. Memories come back like flies today. Is love douh.... Ah love... After deh embassy run and ah fin' nuff Guyanese up deh so ah soak up deh Guyanese accent lill' bit and den deh woman send me away wid forms and "2 months and $100." Came home to deh apartment did a little email ting and den went to the grocery store with Michael. As ah stan' up by deh fish ah remember goin' to Boarda market wid Granny and gettin' light headed near deh smoke fish in dat heat. But, no matter deh smell, ah was eyein' up all deh nice nice lookin' people who willin' to smile wid me.
Michael was deh joke doug. Ah freezin' as we walk deh 5 blocks to deh apartment and he stop to buy deh Christmas tree for he and Julio and wan' fuh kno' if ah ain't want a picture hauling deh "green" load. Deh man mad cause ah walkin' so fas' it like joggin' Deh cold mek meh really wonder if ay able to stan' deh cold again. Ah willin' doug cause ay ain't able wid too much more of "pretty" Santa Barbara and dey ways. Deh niceness killin' meh.
Ah had big big plans fuh deh gym today. But it nah happenin' Ay inside an' warm.
Tomorrow ah meetin' Audrey and deh plan is to walk deh Brooklyn Bridge.
Michael was deh joke doug. Ah freezin' as we walk deh 5 blocks to deh apartment and he stop to buy deh Christmas tree for he and Julio and wan' fuh kno' if ah ain't want a picture hauling deh "green" load. Deh man mad cause ah walkin' so fas' it like joggin' Deh cold mek meh really wonder if ay able to stan' deh cold again. Ah willin' doug cause ay ain't able wid too much more of "pretty" Santa Barbara and dey ways. Deh niceness killin' meh.
Ah had big big plans fuh deh gym today. But it nah happenin' Ay inside an' warm.
Tomorrow ah meetin' Audrey and deh plan is to walk deh Brooklyn Bridge.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I can't resist Austin Clarke - The Polished Hoe
It is Sunday night and I have been having an affair with Austin Clarke for the last six days. Aaaahhh, what a man! What words! Every time we meet he seduces me with his words. I think Mittleholzer has a rival now. Here are some of the words that worked their magic on me. I know you will enjoy him. I felt guilty walking with my pleasure, but then what is life without my favorite instrument.
"I have washed their clothes, yes. I have washed their drawers, their shifts and their panties, their underwears and their monthly-rags, and I have seen their stains, and blots and blood; and I have not pointed a finger at, nor singled-out a, the owner of those stains or blots of blood, in judgement........ I have come face to face with their true colours the things they have left, the mess and the messages. And I have closed my two eyes against all temptation to broadcast that evidence. I have cleaned their topsies, their bedpans and chamberpots when they are laid up; and when they are poorly, at death's door...... I knew then that my knowledge of their ways, their behavior, and their secrets, would be education and my deliverance..... They talk about how to keep me and you in our place."
Tomorrow we will meet again - right here
"I have washed their clothes, yes. I have washed their drawers, their shifts and their panties, their underwears and their monthly-rags, and I have seen their stains, and blots and blood; and I have not pointed a finger at, nor singled-out a, the owner of those stains or blots of blood, in judgement........ I have come face to face with their true colours the things they have left, the mess and the messages. And I have closed my two eyes against all temptation to broadcast that evidence. I have cleaned their topsies, their bedpans and chamberpots when they are laid up; and when they are poorly, at death's door...... I knew then that my knowledge of their ways, their behavior, and their secrets, would be education and my deliverance..... They talk about how to keep me and you in our place."
Tomorrow we will meet again - right here
The Star Girl - 12/18 - We are so proud
Sharona, thank you for the opportunity to be so proud of one of our own :::))) Even though we might not be the screaming kind when it comes to showing our great pleasure and chest bursting honor, we had a ball watching you dance like fire all over the BROADWAY stage.
Friday, December 17, 2010
photos tell stories - 12/17...continues
Well Manhattan is a love and want to leave it kinda place at times. The buzz of the people is like a pull and push and then you know you're in Manhattan when no one stops at the stop sign and the cabbies coming through with the intent to make you scatter because they ain't slowing down. California popped into my head for a quick minute when I asked the Starbucks people for a toilet and well.... it's Manhattan so they just short the amount of chairs that make it illegal not a have a toilet. And all the other places you better pay something for something if you want to pee. But, all the irritation disappears when you stop and stare and see all the people ... These days I only like to look at people with stories on their faces... wrinkles in all kinda different places... and the hair.,.. oh the hair... And, the clashes of color and angles....
Thursday, December 16, 2010
It's cold cold here in NY, but good 12/16/10
Well first, it's just great being here with Julio and Michael... Great friends make all deh tiredness go away. Of course, we sat up and chatted and ate and drank some wine.
Laud, umm the cold hit as soon as I walked out of JFK and my entire body remembered that chill. Can I do it again? Yeah, and the cabbie made me remember the nice smiling faces in Mexico, Trinidad, and San Andres. Boy, NY cabbies are full of nails...deh hard hard. After adjusting to the cutting edge attitude and driving of the cabbie, I started to notice the many colored faces of the other drivers and I thought ... Yeah, I can do NY again for sure.
Today I'm wiped out ... moving real slow... having tea ... listening to music and thinking about the gym. Maybe I'll make it.. maybe not. Tomorrow I plan to be productive. Will send photos from the city.
Still indoors and the day is sliding away. Going to see daughter of Guyanese couple (Rosie and Andrew) this weekend. My first connection ::)) on Broadway. Way to go Sharona. She's on the site below.
Laud, umm the cold hit as soon as I walked out of JFK and my entire body remembered that chill. Can I do it again? Yeah, and the cabbie made me remember the nice smiling faces in Mexico, Trinidad, and San Andres. Boy, NY cabbies are full of nails...deh hard hard. After adjusting to the cutting edge attitude and driving of the cabbie, I started to notice the many colored faces of the other drivers and I thought ... Yeah, I can do NY again for sure.
Today I'm wiped out ... moving real slow... having tea ... listening to music and thinking about the gym. Maybe I'll make it.. maybe not. Tomorrow I plan to be productive. Will send photos from the city.
Still indoors and the day is sliding away. Going to see daughter of Guyanese couple (Rosie and Andrew) this weekend. My first connection ::)) on Broadway. Way to go Sharona. She's on the site below.
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