What a story! Ed told me that he has been at Orinduik for 20 years. He lives with his mother and there are only two other men in that area. The two are policemen.
They live without a car and electricity. Ed told me that at night they use those lamps I remember - the ones with glass over the flame.
The nearest town is a 6 hour walk (one way) and they do this every two weeks to shop. The town is across the river in Brazil.
These men are bilingual and beautful and friendly. They were very open with me and gave me permission to take as many photos as I wanted and they willingly shared their stories with me.
Ed said that at times he's bored, but it doesn't change the fact that he loves the peace of his home. He reads a lot. One man recalled that when he made the walk for the first time, the only reason he didn't dump what he bought was because it was someone else's wine. He remembered his feeling of relief when he came over the last hill and saw home. They are in shape. I told them that I need to move there. One man told me that he was sure I could do the walk. Why he tink so ay don' kno' - me nah tink so... I wish.
Oh, and these men use that basket you saw on the older Amerindian woman. It has a head piece and the guys said it works well. I think they mention it in the interview.
Unfortunately, it looks as if the computer cannot upload the longer interview.
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