Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sinead shared this poem with me and now I'm sharing with you

The Sensual Art
for Elspeth
Chadd Cumberbatch and Ward Minnis

Me like to take a fresh one
in the morning time
to calm me mind.

Me caress the skin
slow and steady.
lt red, ripe and voluptuous.
Beads of dew roll off the curve just so
straining for ground
like the wanton sweat that form
on me tongue.

Me select me best knife.
Well sharp.
One that only use for this,
Me get me special plate.
Almost ready....

Me must close the curtain.
Can't have them prying eyes
in this relationship.
No Manicou Macko to put me life
on Front Street.

In the darkness
me sit and me study it.
It wetness.
It readiness.
It ripeness.
Talk to me
me not just some casual lover.
Me mean business.

Me check again to make sure it just....
Me slice.
Slow sweet juice ooze onto me fingers.
One started spurt escape to the plate.
...Me go deal with that later.

Me so tired of this foreplay.
It take real restraint
to make the first bite slow.
Tender taut flesh.

Then that flavor rush me,
catch wind in me throat,
like a left-over rhythm from Carnival morning.
The beat, the beat.
Me swallow
It wash over me.
quiet like sunset
satisfying as a September rain.
Is sunshine going through me belly
and out through me skin.

Me stir warm from me reverie
And me look at the yellow scraggly seed.
Me wipe up the evidence with paper towel
while me pluck the hair from me teeth.
I ready now to pull back the curtain
and allow them outside eyes back in.

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